Friday, February 18, 2011

Two is not so terrible...

I've always heard about the "terrible 2's", and Bev and I were really amazed at how relatively smooth things were with Kylah through the age of two. But look out for the "tragic 3's". Everything, and I mean everything hinges on disaster from the moment we wake, till bed time. What used to be a fairly uneventful morning of waking up and getting dressed, brushing your teeth, washing your face, combing her hair, etc. has turned into the equivelent of hostage negotiations on what she will or will not wear. If its not the dress she would prefer, then we are in for tantrums and heart break of the deepest level. The negotiations continue into the night with challenges over TV programing, dinner options, then back to the choice of attire... which night gown is the best choice? It seems to never end. All in all, I wouldn't change it for the world. As "tragic" as things may seem from her perspective at times, it is her smile that lights up the room and warms my heart. I'm working on instilling more discipline these days, but I must admit being the one that caves. What can you expect? It's daddy's little girl!

We look forward to 4 with a passion.
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Enjoying the Small Moments

I'm learning to appreciate "the moment". Everyday brings a new opportunity, a moment in-time when fate can turn. Tomorrow is not promised, so we live for today and make the most of each opportunity and occasion. Our lives can become so hectic these days that we often don't take time to stop and smell the roses. My parents spent the weekend with us during the Superbowl weekend, and it was great to see them, and spend time with them in our home. My sister Tonia's passing in June of 2010 has taught me to conscientiously embrace all of the little things in life. You will never know when any moment will be the last.
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